Saturday, September 28, 2013

Invented elastic ceramics -

IMAGE retena Elasto & # x447; ceramics tion

Ceramics in the usual sense – it is a fragile material that is not borne of a strong influence from outside. Scientists from the University of Massachusetts have dispelled this view.

Researchers from the United States and Singapore have created a kind of ceramics that can be bent, without being afraid that it will break. Additionally, the uniqueness of the updated material is that the clay is capable of shape memory.

At this stage, the development of ceramics represents a microscopic hairs of material that are indistinguishable to the human eye. At the same time, scientists noticed that the hairs return to its original shape when exposed to high temperatures. The smaller the object, the more its elasticity and resilience to external shocks. Therefore, at this time is not known what new material will ultimately. According to preliminary estimates, the existing fiber can be bent by 7-8% of the original form of any number of times. At the same time, according to experts, if a large amount of flexing of the material, the deviation can be only 1%, and repeated bending will result in damage to the material. Work on in order to increase stability and elasticity of the material are in progress.


hair thickness is only 1 micron (micrometer), and that’s enough to start using it to create nano-and microdevices. For example, a wire made of ceramics updated will maintain the properties of this material, the flex and quickly to its original shape.

Valery Alexeev

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