Friday, January 17, 2014

"Russian virus" could be bought on the black market hackers - Russian Newspaper

Attackers attack U.S. retail chain Target using virus KAPTOXA, bought up a malicious program on the black market, and then created their own method of attack on the terminals to read bank cards. About it writes The Washington Post.

hacking terminals and credit card data theft American chain Target announced in late 2013. Recently in the press reported that penetrated computers of the virus was written “partly in Russian.” Malicious program did not recognize the existing anti-virus tools. So hackers who wrote the virus showed a high qualification.

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According to John Waters, CEO of iSight, specializing in issues of information security, the virus was found on the black market in June 2013.

“It’s not so much in the virus, but in the sophistication of the attack,” – said Waters.

According to a report prepared by the iSight, the organization on whose computers appeared the virus may not be aware that they are infected. Also they are unable to keep track of which data has been lost as a result of the attack. All the matter, according to experts, is that KAPTOXA able to “cover his tracks”, hiding their activities.

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