Saturday, August 30, 2014

Explore the galaxy with active star formation – News of the World Innovation

astrophysicists from the United States, Germany, the Netherlands and South Africa have found a young galaxy in the core of which is probably still going through an intensive process of formation of stars.

In the nuclei of most of these systems, these processes have ended. Observations of young astrophysicists galaxy universe can give a better understanding of the process of birth of celestial objects.

In a galaxy with a compact nucleus GOODS-N-774, possibly with high speed the formation of stars, which started after about three billion years after the Big Bang. Lights in the GOODS-N-774 are formed at a rate of about 300 units per year. For the Milky Way is the amount of thirty times less.

The mass of all the stars in the galaxies studied actually twice the entire mass of the Milky Way, although its size is a fraction of the galaxy and can reach across six thousand light years. Most of the observations of experts shows that the similar processes in other galaxies began even earlier.

Scientists believe that over time, the entire star system will turn into a giant elliptical galaxy. Also, according to experts, the new lights in the nucleus of the galaxy are formed in regions of dark matter.



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