Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Roscosmos may abandon the ISS in favor of Russian space station – Russian Dialogue

Russia is forced to adjust the space program.

 to decide on their future participation in the International
 Space Station 2020-2024 respectively in May. Previously, Roskosmos promised to give
 response to the end of last December. For six months the agency will have to make
 adjustments to the draft Federal Space Program (FCP) for 2016-2025
 years, and wait for its approval by the government. Only after receiving
 financial guarantees, the agency will decide on the further operation of the ISS,
 writes “Kommersant».

According to earlier reports,
 Roscosmos appreciated that new space program in 2.436 trillion rubles .: this amount
 almost three times higher than calculated for 2006-2015 now
 serving. Even then, in private conversations, agency staff said that
 Ministry of Economy and Finance Ministry may require to cut the required funds Roscosmos
 (All the more so in 2013-2015 PCF has already been sequestered by 2-5%).
 Source publication in Roskosmos
 predict “the battle for every ruble».

Sam transfer
 timing of the document to the government is directly linked with the need to
 make it correct. The initial draft of the PCF did not consider
 appeared in late 2014 Russia plans to deploy its own
 manned station during the 2017-2019 period. For example, developed in
 State Research and Production Space Center. Khrunichev
 multipurpose laboratory module was planned in 2017 to enter into the
 Russian segment of the ISS, and now he is regarded as one of the main
 elements of the national stations.

According to “Kommersant”
 during January and February Roscosmos must submit to the government and
 presidential administration study the feasibility of building in orbit
 his station. If the decision is to gain political support, the work on the ISS
 Russia will extend only for commercial purposes, such as delivery of its segment in
 Rentals other countries and sending into orbit space tourists.

 Operations at NASA comment yesterday failed, informs edition.

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