Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Huge craters threaten mysterious inhabitants of Siberia – Commander

In Siberia again found a strange phenomenon – a giant-sized craters, whose origin is unclear to scientists. They have appeared recently on the Yamal Peninsula. Version on their education and put forward a variety of even the most improbable. But the main thing is not it, but the fact that these craters threaten nearby cities.

Voronok much, but four of them are simply enormous size, the other smaller. What is this phenomenon – an explanation that scientists do not have. There are only guesses. But scientists alerted those unknown hole, and now because for them the number one task is to study their causes. After all, could easily be that the predictions are highly disappointing.

For example, researchers have studied these craters, suggested that they arose because of the accumulation of ground ice, deep underground, where the permafrost zone.

The second version for the most likely methane explosion in the depths of the earth, and again, where there is a zone of permafrost. Gas release contributes to the observed surface in recent years, global warming. Underground gas is released there permanently, because one of the craters near the plant is located, where it produces methane gas. That’s why this version seems to be the most likely skilled and most dangerous. After repeated explosions could threaten infrastructure nearby cities.

At the moment, new craters were found in deserted places, and it’s a little comforting, so as long as they do not threaten people. But the fact that these giant craters near revealed many new openings smaller, too, does not add optimism. Scientists have even suggested that their number will grow.

If the area of ​​the explosions will expand close to densely populated areas, there may be major disasters. Especially alarming given experts the fact that the explosion of the four craters can be equivalent to the explosion of eleven tons of TNT.

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