Thursday, April 23, 2015

The ancestors of man found tentacles –

The Russian scientists have found confirmation of the theory that the common ancestor of all animals with bilateral (two-sided) symmetry of the body to which the people were appendages to move and gather food, which is the tentacles. This follows from the study Dr.Sci.Biol Helena Temereva, the official website of the Moscow State University (MSU).

This is the conclusion Temereva came, studying Lingula, one of the oldest brachiopods, which survived until our days. They existed in the Early Ordovician (500 million years ago). Lingula are bilaterally symmetrical animals with peyote – a particular part of the body that carries tentacles.

As told Temereva, numerous data of molecular phylogenetics suggest that a single group lofofornyh animal does not exist. However, in the studies she was able to prove the opposite: there is such a group, and it is derived from a common ancestor, who had Lophophora with tentacles. This is confirmed by a similar structure of the nervous system in different groups of peyote lofofornyh animals.

«In view of the fact that the tentacles are in two main trunks of bilaterally symmetrical animals, it is logical to assume that they were in the common ancestor. There were tentacles and the common ancestor of chordates, which include people “- explained Elena Temereva.

Article to a study published in the scientific journal PLOS ONE, co-author of Temerin made Eugene Citrine from the Institute of Developmental Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences.


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