Saturday, August 29, 2015

Russian missile did not burned and led American satellite into orbit – UKRAINIAN TRUTH

Carrier rocket “Proton-M” has successfully placed into orbit US telecommunications satellite Inmarsat-5 F3.

This was August 29 reported at the Russian Space Agency.

“INMARSAT-5F3 cleanly separated from the booster block Breeze-M on the target supersinhronnoy transfer orbit (with an apogee of 65 thousand. km.) and was adopted by the management of the customer start,” – the report says.

Start “Proton” on 28 August at 14:44 calculations of rocket-space industry of Russia from the Baikonur “cosmodrome.”

Held space launch – 405th Proton launch; This year – the fourth, noted in Roskosmos.

Inmarsat-5 F3 – the third of the three Inmarsat satellites fifth generation, developed and manufactured by Boeing (US). The first two satellites of I-5 were launched on Proton in 2013 and in February 2015 g of.

As you know, in May 2015 in 497 seconds after the launch of “Proton”, as reported in the Russian Space Agency, was detected abnormal operation of engines of the third stage of the launch vehicle. “The orbit was deduced Mexican communications satellite Mexsat-1, from the third stage of the rocket, he is not separated and burned in the atmosphere.

In Russia, the damage from a failed launch of” Proton ” estimated at 57 million rubles.

Since 2010, the accident resulted in seven launches of Russian rockets “Proton-M”, “Soyuz-U”, “Zenit-3SL” (Russian-Ukrainian), ” Soyuz-2.1a. “It lost two cargo ships and 9 satellites.

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