Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Scientists named the most stupid predators – Dni.Ru

American scientists experimentally disproved the hypothesis of the social structure of the brain in animals. Based on the data obtained by researchers, carnivores uptake depends on the volume of the brain, rather than from their “environment.” So the smartest bears are recognized and stupid – meerkats.

Mongoose. Photo: GLOBAL LOOK press / D. u. M. Sheldon

According to the article published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a team of scientists from the University of Wisconsin in the United States to test the hypothesis about the dependence of the uptake of predatory mammals of the volume their brain. The experiment involved only recognized “intellectuals” among animals – those who lead a collective hunt that requires a clear division of roles.

Zoologists seized 140 animals of 39 different species living in captivity. Each animal took half an hour to solve unfamiliar task – open a valve metal cage is inside and get food. The most quick-witted family turned bearish . Scientists claim that the bears have got different types of food from the cells in 70% of attempts.

The second place was taken by representatives of coon – 54% of successful operations. Third – Cunha (47%). But most of all surprised zoologists mongoose. According to the results of experiments, they have become the most stupid predators. who participated in the experiments and meerkats mongoose never managed to open the cage .

Thus, in the course of the study, scientists were able to refute the hypothesis of the social structure of the brain in animals. It is believed that intelligence develops as a means of creating and maintaining community relations in it. As an example, by the way, the drive meerkats living large “teams.” However, the experiment proved that the ability to solve problems still affect the volume of the brain of the animal and not the kind of society it is.


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