Saturday, February 27, 2016

US and Russian physicists have discovered a new elementary particle – Tetraquarks – RSUTE

Moscow / 27.02.2016 17:35 /

A group of American and Russian physicists have discovered a new elementary particle called the “Tetraquarks”. . More information about this is available on the information portal “Informing»

The alliance of scientists from Russia and the United States on the basis of a unique experiment opened a new exotic particles – “Tetraquarks”. In the name of an elementary particle, “X (5568)” the number “5568″ refers to the weight in megaelektrovoltah. This particle is an exotic, because as you can get it only in artificial conditions, in contrast to the other.

Experts provided information collected by the detector, “the D0″ for the time of hard work “Tevatron” in monitoring the decay rare particles – “strange B-mesons.” Mesons have two elements

Scientists have noted that the new particle contains quarks – small objects – the four “colors”:. “Upper” quark, “lower” anti-quark, “a charming” quark “and” strange ” anti-quark.

According to the collaboration, Dmitri Denisov, physicists at first did not believe that discovered a new particle. Only after numerous tests, it became clear that the observed signal can not be explained by any background or other known processes. He clearly testified of a new particle.

The fact that the particle-grandparent contains four different quark indicates the nature of the peak. In large width According to scientists, it says that the decay is controlled by the strong interaction. These processes preserve the flavor of participating particles and decay products contain four different types of quarks

The structure of the new Tetraquarks still unknown:. It can be either two linked pairs of quarks, or else all four quark can be They are closely linked with each other. The first case is reminiscent of an unusual molecule, two of which revolve around each other.

DZero collaboration of scientists discovered traces of Tevatron data unusual “rainbow” Tetraquarks X (5568), consisting of quarks of all four colors – “top “quark, the” lower “anti-quark,” charming “quark and a” strange “anti-quark. This particle has a very large mass – it is heavier than the recently discovered at the LHC “diabolical” pentaquarks, despite the fact that in her one quark less

Such a device Tetraquarks how scientists explain, making them more confident. the existence of these particles than in the case of pentaquarks and other “candidates” for the role of the “quartet quark”, since all they have to contain a quark and an antiquark of the same color. This has led many physicists to believe that other particles are in fact a kind of “molecules” of two mesons, and not uniform or penta Tetraquarks

The existence of these particles, scientists have no doubt -. The statistical accuracy of the opening of five sigma , which is equivalent to a random error or malfunction of the detector in one case, six million attempts. Further study of the X (5568), as participants DZero hope, will help you understand how to construct the particle as it decays rapidly and any other Tetraquarks exist about the possible opening of which physicists say in the last 3-5 years.

Most often in the study of physics of elementary particles collide with hadrons containing two (mesons) or three (baryons) quark. However, no law of nature does not directly prohibit the existence of other systems comprising a greater number of quarks. The first evidence of the existence Tetraquarks were discovered in 2003 in the Japanese experiment Belle. Subsequently, the discovery was confirmed by the LHCb collaboration. In 2015, CERN physicists reported the discovery pentaquark – particles containing five quarks. However, all confirmed to date particles contain no more than quark three flavors. The new particle – the first of its kind



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