Monday, April 25, 2016

Bacteria are able to turn water into ice – REGNUM

Berlin, April 25, 2016, 19:26 – REGNUM German scientists from the Max Planck Institute have studied the molecular mechanism by which the Pseudomonas bacterium syringae turns surrounding its water into ice, reports Science Advances magazine.

Some microorganisms have in their membrane proteins that trigger the formation of ice crystals . Thus bacterium protects itself from damage that is able to pay her the ice formed at close range.

The most famous of these micro-organisms Pseudomonas syringae, which is often used for creating artificial snow and ice. Scientists are interested in this bacterium as a factor in regulating the water cycle and even climate. To study the details of formation of hydrogen bonds between water molecules and proteins of bacteria spectroscopy was applied. Protein inaZ, whereby the bacterium surrounding water freezes, creating a sort of template for structuring water molecules, and its hydrophilic and hydrophobic components increase the freezing temperature of water is lowered. In addition, the protein components showed ability to remove heat from the environment.

The study authors noted that before the disclosure of the exact molecular mechanisms of the formation of ice crystals is still far. In addition, their data may be valid only for the bacteria similar to Pseudomonas syringae, and other microorganisms may well use other water freezing methods.

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