Tuesday, April 26, 2016

“Hubble” found in space mysterious “red square” – REGNUM

Washington, April 26, 2016, 08:17 – REGNUM The orbital telescope “Hubble” received detailed pictures unusual double stars and nebulae HD 44179 in the constellation Monoceros, which surrounds incomprehensible red structure consisting of glowing remains of the outer layers of a star, according to Space.com.

The structure resembles the shape of the set of cubes and parallelepipeds, embedded in each other.

The star system HD 44179, which opened in 1973, was removed from the Earth by 2300 light years and consists of two stars and surrounding nebulae, developed from the remains of the outer shells of the star. Its rectangular shape, scientists explain the fact that a pair of star HD 44179 is surrounded by a thick layer of cosmic dust, guiding the motion of gas clouds. Dust attached direction causes the hot gas to create a giant figure in the form of the letter X, is clearly discernible in the picture «Hubble»

. The system and its nebula have a red color that astrophysicists can not explain so far. There is a hypothesis that red glow generated by the properties of cosmic dust, combined with light white dwarf, included in a pair of HD 44179.

Scientists are hoping that new images will help them solve the mystery of the “red square».

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