Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Roskomnadzor called Pokemon Go players to be vigilant – RIA Novosti

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MOSCOW, July 19 -. RIA Novosti Roskomnadzor called Pokemon Go players to be vigilant and occasionally break away from the screen of their gadgets, to avoid potential threats from criminals

Pokemon Go -. a free application based on the technology of “augmented reality” – the digital and real worlds are connected, since the picture is displayed on the smartphone screen, projected on real-world locations. One of the main objectives of the game – to catch Pokémon (Pocket Monster – “Pocket Monster”) – forced to the streets, parks, beaches many people, completely absorbed by this process

Roskomnadzor in a statement on his Facebook page says. that specialists Proofpoint (engaged in information security) warned of the spread of malicious scams versions of the game Pokemon Go. They contain the virus DroidJack allows you take control of your mobile device, steal personal data and monitor the movements.

Police officers of the US state of Missouri have found that this game can wear and real threats, indicates Roskomnadzor. “Criminals see the potential for looting; they were placed in different parts of the so-called” Lure Modules “, which increase the chance of Pokemon in this location in the next half hour, and ambushed the players According to police, four men with guns were detained.” , – says the report

“We urge the players to be vigilant, sometimes break away from the screen of their gadgets and inform relatives of their whereabouts” -. sums Roskomnadzor

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