Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The last 500 years people preferred the bread and meat – Scientists – The Russian Times

Researchers from several countries conducted a joint study on food habits of people, for that used paintings by European artists of the XVI century.

Cloths Renaissance artists show descendants, not only the skill level of the then authors and life and the life of the inhabitants of that period. They are also a great visual material for the purpose of research.

For example, the pattern helped scientists learn how people’s preferences have changed over the past 500 years, in relation to food, writes “,».

To learn about the gastronomic tastes of ancestors, an international team of scientists analyzed the European paintings of the XVI century. One of the most interesting findings was the fact that humanity is addicted sandwiches five centuries ago.

The research experts carefully reviewed and described the 750 paintings on which the food was displayed. They saw that five hundred years ago, people did not give up harmful and high-calorie food. Especially popular at that time enjoyed the bread and fatty meat

It turned out that the bread can be found on 86% of all the studied paintings, meat. – 61%, but the vegetables – only 22% of the pictures. From vegetables artists often portrayed artichokes, fruit – lemons, meat – shellfish. +

Thus, the researchers concluded that people’s tastes for this time have not changed much.


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